This is a Public Service Mission:
Stop the bad faith actions of insurance companies within
the American courtrooms of law.
What is the "Business of insurance" ?
1) Do you have any kind of insurance products, and why do you pay the premiums?
2) Are you required by law to have insurance, or is it voluntary?
3) Does your insurance products provide peace of mind and financial protection?
4) And most importantly, when your insurance company has performed an alleged 'breach of contract with malice', as a fiduciary, against the "insured party", will your government Representatives, Agencies and Judges and Justices protect your legal rights.
As a matter of public safety and great general interest, for your protection and wellbeing, it is our mission to stop illegal bad faith acts of "insurance company fraud", while we are engaged in the "business of insurance".
You need us, and we need You in order to succeed in supporting and affirming the meaningful U.S. Flag in a court of law.
If necessary, we want to be able to "validate" our insurance products through the court process with a fair trial process with a jury of our peers. When applicable, the "insured party" may "motion" a court of law for a "jury demand", a trial by jury of their community peers, to determine all genuine issues of disputed material facts . A jury trial action to determine the facts of alleged acts of insurance company bad faith with malice while engaged in the "business of insurance". This "jury demand" action is an "inviolate" and "preserved" constitutional civil "right in action", and represents a valuable and paramount rule of law to the Citizens of the United States.
In addition to these most paramount rule(s) of law for your legal protection, comes from "constitutional intervention" (FRCP Rule 24) by your Local, State, and Federal representatives, agencies and Judge(s). Those individuals who are mandated to affirm and support the Constitution of the United States. Specifically, the Bill of Rights which enforce "due process of law" to a trial by jury action upon a timely made "jury demand".
It is their ultimate duty protect their constituents from constitutional violations, especially while they are under "oath of office" to support and affirm the Constitution of the United States; 1) Bill of Rights; Seventh Amendment; Jury in Civil Cases: "the right to a trail by jury shall be preserved", and Constitution of Ohio: Bill of Rights Section 5 ; Trial by jury; "The right of trial by jury shall be inviolate".
Your government Representatives, Agencies and Judge(s), are required to "intervene" as an elected or appointed official on behalf of their constituents, so as to mandate the legal and straight forward legal action to a trail by jury action, upon a timely made jury demand in a court of law, to determine all genuine legal issues of disputed material facts of insurance company fraud, for a jury to decide in a court of law, and not to be determined by a bench judge.
As American Citizens, "We the People of the United States" have a preserved and inviolate operative due process and legal right to a trial by jury to determine the legal issue of facts for a jury to decide, not by a singe bench judge.
This legal right is straight forward and you probably first learned of these legal rights (U. S. Constitution Bill of Rights) in junior high school government class. It is fact, and does not change when you get older, it remains available for your protection at any age; in order to determine the genuine legal issues of "material facts" and jurisdiction for proper remedies of relief in a court of law.
Our legal case matters are now 20+ years long, and we are still without a preserved and inviolate legal right to a "jury trial" action, which "show cause" of insurance company bad faith with malice and insurance company fraud in a court of law.
WE simply want a jury to determine the material facts and conclusion of law.
"Whoever" is responsible for this "obstruction of justice" against the Constitution of the United States? Why are our state and federal government representative not affirming and supporting the civil and constitutional right in action to a trial by jury?
This an alleged serious "Crime" against the Constitution of the United States (against "We the People of the United States"...). To adhere to the enemies (insurance companies) giving them aid and comfort to "terminate" a trial by jury action....An act of Treason
18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason
Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.
These alleged acts of "insurance company fraud" case matters are state law civil claims that are litigated in the state court venue.
Next the insurance company legal representatives removed these state law civil claims to the federal courts venue under "False Claims" of a term called "Employee Retirement Income Security Act", "ERISA". This event "terminated" the Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights to "due process of law, to a "trial by jury" under equal protection of the law.
The material facts by the case matters next turned criminal and alleged "Capital Crime" (Treason) against the United States Government, and "We the People of the United States..." within our Constitution of the United States..
Insurance Company Fraud with Bad Faith Actions
The alleged actions of insurance company(s) Assurant / Assurant Employee Benefits, Union Security Insurance Company / (formerly Fortis Benefits Insurance Company / Fortis), and their legal representatives of Michael J. Newman ~ now somehow and questionably promoted to a federal magistrate judge, Louis Brock, Michael W. Hawkins, Patrick W. Michael, Angela L. Edwards of the law firms Dinsmore & Shohl and Woodward Hobson & Fulton, have knowingly and willfully attempted to "terminate" a trial by jury proceeding against their insured party by forging: fabricating and perpetrate a "false claim" and "false statements" of a federal Act of Congress called the Employee Retirement Income Security Act" or "ERISA" against the "Insured" party insurance policy and their state law claims in a court(s) (State of Ohio and Federal) of law. (An alleged act of perjury in a court of law to bar a trial by jury in a court of law.)
Now, others legal cases are using these case matters as case law, which also affects your our American citizens' Constitutional access, privilege, and "inviolate" right to a "trial by jury", on all genuine legal issues of fact for a jury to decide, in a court of law.
Insurance Company Fraud History
The legal history of these events in the "business of insurance" remain without a "trial by jury", upon a timely made jury demand, so as to hear and determine all genuine legal issues of disputed material facts for a jury to decide in a court of law Why has it taken so long for a "jury trial"? Is this an act of "perverted justice"?
Why are the Officers of the American Courts (Judges) and other government representatives 'adhering to the enemies (insurance company), giving them aid and comfort', so as to obstruct the insured / legal party's Constitutional right to trail by jury upon a jury demand in a court of law for remedies of relief?
This insurance event is now affecting you the reader and all other American citizens, and carries 18 years of perpetual litigation to the alleged action "fraud on the courts", both State and Federal courts, by the insurance companies named Assurant (fka Fortis Benefits Insurance Company) /Fortis / Union Security Insurance companies) against the "insured" party, against our American Judicial System, against the Officers of the Court, against the American taxpayers of the Courts, and against our police, military and veterans who protect the Constitution of the United States.
These legal matters are still pending to a "jury demand" action in both the State and Federal American Courts. These alleged actions of insurance company fraud are possibly affecting you and any one of the 330,000,000+ American citizens, via "bad case law" judgments and Orders from the American State and United States Judicial Courts.
These current legal matters carry "misguided and uncompleted case law" which have given the insurance industry a case law 'license' to deny due benefits at will, and "steal" your livelihood and wellbeing, including a possible foreclosure of your home! In addition, the insurance company will seek to "terminate" any and all proper remedies of relief from your inviolate legal right to a "trial by jury" in a court of law.
This is an illegal "theft" of your own American Constitutional Bill of Rights to a trial by jury, without consent or valid merit, and may now terminate your own possible court action to a "trial by jury" with your social legal peers, to determine all genuine legal issues of fact for a jury to decide.
In short, your State and Federal tax dollars have allegedly 'financed' 22+ years of alleged acts of insurance company fraud. And also financing nearly 20 years to suport the horific "obstruction of justice" to a "trial by jury" action, upon a timely "jury demand" in a court of law. A valuable jury trial action for finding remedies of relief for the insured party, and future deterrent of insurance company fraud.
This is an "illegal" theft and fraud to all American citizens; "right of action" and attempted "termination" of your Constitution to the United States legal access, privilege and inviolate right to a "jury trial" in a court. A clear "obstruction of justice" by the insurance company called Assurant (aka Fortis) and their legal representatives, along with wilfully misguided judicial officers, along with our state and federal government representatives.
These paramount legal actions are potentially affecting over 315,000,000 + American Citizens whom depend on any valuable insurance products, and the profound valuable Constitutional laws of the United States which provides a "trial by jury" in a court of law for truth, fairness, peace of mind and future deterrent.
22 years of perpetrated insurance company fraud
and judicial "fraud on the court" at the taxpayers expense.
How long would you pursue insurance coverage?
How long would you seek a remedy of relief for "insurance company"; breach of contract , actions of bad faith to the insured party, and a conspiracy to perform "fraud" in a court of law? Or would you just walk away and let the insurance company "abort" your policy benefits and obstruct your Constitutional access, privilege and inviolate right to a "trial by jury", on all genuine legal issue of fact before a jury of your peers to decide?
This "inviolate right" to a trial by jury is an enumerated and embedded federal and state Constitutional right which American citizens have cherished and fought for in the 200+ years of American history.
Operation Constitution Rescue Fund is a private fund and is not a 501(c)3 non-profit, because a non-profit organization is subject to the errant "ERISA" provision which are repugnant to the Constitution of the United States of America. Donations may not be tax-deductible, however your donation will support the fight for your valuable United States Constitution and the right to a trial by jury in a court of law.
Who: Assurant / Assurant Employee Benefits / Union Security Insurance Company, Assurant, Inc. / currently under Sun Life Financial (fka ~ Fortis Benefits Insurance Company / Fortis, Inc. (Insurance and Banking New York, New York) and Lead Representative and company President / CEO named Robert B. Pollock (New York, New York) have perpetually denied the functional and operative Long Term Disability (LTD) insurance policy benefits and obstructed justice from Joyce Ackerman (the insured beneficiary), and her family, and business named FreshZone Products, Inc. as "inhabitants" of the City of Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A..
Note: These insurance case matters are possibly against all citizens of the United States of America who engaged in "legally binding written contracts" and 'business of insurance' matters, which are enforced by a court of law.
What: A breach of a valuable Long Term Disability (LTD) insurance policy contract while engaged in the 'business of insurance', and the "theft" of 'serviceable' and 'timely' Long Term Disability (LTD) disability insurance benefits product. The Long Term Disability (LTD) policy monetary benefits were not paid for nearly 22 months, yet the insurance policy clearly states, within the text and controlling terms of the policy, that benefits are due to the "insured beneficiary" upon satisfying a 90 days qualifying period" (Occupational Test or Earnings Test).
The 'insured beneficiary' satisfied both Test, and in addition and still remaining within the policy is a controlling term which states; "If it is not reasonably possible to give proof on time, we will not deny or reduce your claim if you give us proof as soon as reasonably possible" (Page 21 of policy). Other insurance benefits claims still remain open to this day as being incomplete and without due service.
In order to get remedies of relief to these matters of 'insurance company fraud and bad faith', the insured beneficiary, now as a 'legal party', needed to sue the insurance company in a court of law with a timely expressed 'instance action' to a "jury demand" for a "trial by jury" .
However, the legal representatives of the insurance company "removed" the state court legal case matters carrying state law claims and a paramount "jury demand" to the federal courts. This 'removal' includes a two federal questions; 1) claims of diversity (Legal issues between two parties from different States within the United States are involved), and 2) upon an inappropriate and empty federal provision called the "Employee Retirement Income Security Act", "ERISA"; pursuant to an alleged knowing and wilful scheme and attempt to "terminate" the trial courts 'mandated action' to expedite a timely jury demand for a "trail by jury".
Important Fact of Evidence for a Trial by Jury action: The Plaintiffs show cause to a "preponderance of evidence" that demonstrates the insured beneficiary and legal party of this individual and unique LTD insurance policy is specifically; 100 % vested / voluntary to purchase, and expressed to be an "excess benefit" plan, without any and all text to a "Statement of ERISA Rights". In addition, the insurance benefit policy is uniquely and completely "null and void" of any applicable written or expressed "common words" and language text of the term "Employee Retirement Income Security Act", "ERISA".
This LTD policy of the insured beneficiary and legal party is complete null and void of any valid notification, disclosure, expressed controlling terms with language text, provisions of law, acronyms or common words of a "Statement of ERISA Rights" directly expressed to the insured beneficiary / Legal party. The text of the term "Employee Retirement Income Security Act", "ERISA", is completely null and void from the start of the marketing period of LTD policy by Fortis Benefits insurance Company (Defendant), at the time of purchase, during the claim process and denial letters, and after a claim payment, up until the legal matters were initiated by the Plaintiff as the insured beneficiary / legal party).
The questionable case matters of the federal provision called the "Employee Retirement Income Security Act", "ERISA" are alleged to be illegal acts at the American taxpayers of the courts expense. This alleged illegal performance includes "false statements" an "false claims" of the text "Employee Retirement Income Security Act", "ERISA" by the insurance company representatives against the insured beneficiary.
The court is without the first ink drops of LTD policy "controlling terms" to the "Employee Retirement Income Security Act", "ERISA" text for interpretation or finding of facts for future conclusion of law. The insurance company legal representatives have allegedly forged; fabricated and perpetrated the empty federal provision "Employee Retirement Income Security Act", "ERISA" against the insured beneficiary,and the American courts. And with delay comes a measurable violation and obstruction of justice to the insured party's 'serviceable' remedies of relief in a court of law with a jury of their social peers to determine all genuine legal issues of disputed material facts of the case. Now 17+ years of perpetual litigation without the start to the "instant action" to a jury demand for a trial by jury.
These defense strategies are clearly an intent to an overt act of treason and capital crime violation against the valuable text expressed within the Constitution of the United States Bill of Rights Seventh Amendment for a preserved "Jury in Civil Cases", and against The Ohio Constitution; Bill of Rights Section 5. Trial by Jury. A violation against the insured party and possibly all other American citizens who may seek proper access, privilege, and substantial legal right to a "jury demand" for a trial by jury upon claims of insurance company fraud and "bad faith".
The Plaintiffs do not waiver their right a trial by jury, nor is there any legal merit to any language text for 'findings of facts by the court' of a provision of law termed called the "Employee Retirement Income Security Act", "ERISA".
Assurant / Assurant Employee Benefits / Union Security Insurance Company, formerly known as Fortis Benefits Insurance Company / Fortis) is the clear "Underwriter" and "Plan Administrator" of this specific LTD insurance product. The delivery postage of the LTD insurance product was paid and mailed by the insurance company named Fortis Benefits Insurance Company / Fortis (nka Assurant Employee Benefits / Union Security Insurance Company).
Therefore, the term Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) is substantially "null and void" for any 'findings of facts by the court" or provisional application in any court of law. (Without prejudice a trail by jury must proceed. ~ Emphasis Added for good cause.)
Where: Dayton, Ohio. The insured party lives in the city of Dayton, Ohio (Montgomery County, Ohio). Also applicable to a 'legal battle zone' the Dayton Municipal Court, Montgomery County Common Pleas Court, the Second District Court of Appeals of Ohio, the Ohio Supreme Court, and Federal District Court of Southwestern Ohio, (Dayton, Ohio), the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals, and the Supreme Court of the United States, where these acts of alleged; insurance company fraud, perjury, and "fraud on the court(s)" have taken place.
These court venue locations show cause to "fraud on the court", with alleged criminal activity, which has protected the insurance company whom knowingly and wilfully forge; fabricate, perpetrate and solicited the "textually expressed" common words and statements of the "Employee Retirement Income Security Act" language against the courts, while illegally "seeking approval" of a 'federal financial shelter' and hiding from a "trial by jury" with monetary damage, as prescribed by the hierarchy of State of Ohio and Federal Constitutional laws and statutes.
Note: Upon numerous request to Local, State and Federal government representatives, along with efforts to petition community partnership intervention from Chamber of Commerce and local law school at the University Dayton, there still remains no actions to be supportive to correcting the paramount procedure deficiencies in the court(s) of law. Wee seek a simple friendly letter to the Ohio Attorney General, or the Supreme Court of Ohio, or the Supreme Court of the United States, on behalf of all American citizens to affirm and support the State(s) and Federal Constitutions. However it clearly appears these individuals are "adhering to their enemies, to give them aid and comfort" to the insurance company's effort to terminate the American legal standard, and Ohio legal standard, to a "trial by jury" as the rule of law. Why?
When: The insured legal party (Joyce Ackerman) incurred a medical disability beginning in April 1996 with a numbing paralysis while getting out of bed in the morning. She was transported to the hospital and diagnosed with a bulged disk neck and spinal related injury. To this day she continues to experience numbness of hands and feet, chronic head aches and neck pain along with many days of chronic fatigue and IBS.
Unable to work constantly and taking heavy prescribed drug medication she was not permitted to return to work. An insurance policy claim was filed by the insured beneficiary for policy benefits for peace of mind, financial protection, and rehabilitation. However, a denial of the insured party's' Long Term Disability (LTD) timely benefits were delayed for nearly 2 (two) years.
How: Fortis Benefits Insurance Company, Fortis (now called Assurant Employee Benefits / Assurant / Union Security Insurance Company) failed to pay monetary benefits, and failed to begin a rehabilitation review at best of the insured party in a timely manner (90 days /1996), and still remain in perpetual bad faith actions up to this present date. The insurance company and their legal representatives are also alleged to knowingly and willfully forged; fabricated and perpetrated (ORC 2913.01(G)) a false claim ) statements of the term "Employee Retirement Income Security Act", (in "writing" (ORC 2913.01(F)) against the legal parties, both the State and Federal courts and the American taxpayers of the courts.
The insurance company's bad faith actions remains in progress today with acts of breach of contract, theft of policy benefits; service and right of action, perpetrated insurance fraud, and further leading to "fraud on the court". These violations are against the insured party's' wellbeing and their American Constitutional access, privilege and right to a "trial by jury", as prescribed by State and federal law, pursuant to a "Jury Demand" made by the plaintiff within the "original instant action" to the pleadings within the Common Pleas Court of Montgomery County, Ohio at case No.s ~ 2000 CV 01472 and 2003 CV 09499. Jury Demand is preserved inviolate by law.
Legal Elements of Insurance Company Fraud
Legal Elements of the State Court Venue
The Ohio Constitution; Bill of Rights; Section 1 (Inalienable Rights), Section 5 (Trial by jury), and Section 16 (Redress in Courts) of the Ohio Bill of Rights.
Assurant "knowingly and willfully" deceived and mislead the courts, contrary to the Plaintiffs state law claims. Of which include a forged; fabricated and perpetrated false impression of law to the "Employee Retirement Income Security Act" along with its obstructive Constitutional law changing provisions. False Statements and impressions which now represent objective facts to the state court (ORC 2913.01(A), while causing to defraud the "officers of the Court", and deprive the "inhabitants" of the city of Dayton, and abroad, to their "Constitutional services" without reasonable justification or good merit (ORC 2913.01(B) and (C)(3)) of the common words; Employee Retirement Income Security Act and its applicable provisions.
"Insurance Company Fraud" (Ohio) See:"Insurance fraud" at Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 2913.47 (1,2,3,4 and 5 ~ and also "Theft" (ORC 2913.01(A),(B),(C)(3),(E)(F)(G)(K), 2913.02(A)(1,2 and 3),(B) (1 and 3) / disabled adult),
Legal Elements of the Federal Court Venue
* U.S. Constitution; United States Bill of Rights; First Amendment (Redress the Government), Seventh Amendment (Jury in Civil Cases), Tenth Amendment (State Powers), and Fourteenth Amendment (Rights of Citizens).
Assurant "knowingly and willfully" deceive and mislead the courts representation contrary to the Plaintiffs state law claims, and causes to be made and used, a false record and statement, a fraudulent and "false claim" for "seeking approval" of the term "Employee Retirement Income Security Act" for "action of removal of state law claims", at the taxpayers expense, while now serving as a "federal financial shelter" from the precarious financial damages associated with the Plaintiffs state law claims of due process, and "trial by jury".
See: "False Claims"; Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) 31 U.S.C. § 3729 (a)(1)(2)(3),(b),(c))(Money and Finance / False Claims, through 31 U.S.C. § 3733)
See: State and federal applications: 15 U.S.C. § 1011 (Declaration of policy) and 1012 (a)(b) (Regulation by State law; Federal law relating specifically to insurance; applicability of certain laws after June 30, 1948.)
See: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 60(d)(1)(3); available all American citizens for Constitutional law protection for legal redress, remedies of relief, and future deterrent of "insurance company fraud".
Legal Theory and Corrupt Issues of "Insurance Company Fraud"
The Legal Theory and Statute Application: Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 2913.47 and to United States Code 31 U.S.C. § 3729 "false claims", within cases herein; is to allegedly perform perjury leading to "fraud on the court", and thus generate a "claim of unconstitutionality" against the legal party and taxpayers of the state and federal court(s).
See: 18 U.S.C. §1341 (Frauds and Swindles)See also as may be applicable: Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP) 31 U.S.C. § 3729 (a)(1)(2)(3),(b),(c))(Money and Finance / False Claims through 3733), false claims against the government and the judicial tax payers, as the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) acknowledges "possible fraud" in open court.
Defined herein, as the Defendant (Fortis Benefits Insurance Company, Name change; nka ~ Assurant, and / or Union Security Insurance Company) / allegedly "conspires" to defraud the Government by getting a false or fraudulent claim "approved", and thus causing Constitutional law violations to a "jury demand" in both the State and Federal court venues.
The insurance company (Defendant: Fortis Benefits Insurance Company / Fortis/ (now called ~ Assurant / Assurant Employee Benefits / Union Security Insurance Company ) willfully performs malice acts to a legal breech of contract, which generates "state law claims" by the insured (Plaintiff). Then the insurance company and their legal representatives "conspire" to perform actions to federally "removal" the "state law claims" at issue to the federal venue, via "diversity of citizenship" with amount over $75,000, and "false statements" and "false claims" of a term expressed as "Employee Retirement Income Security Act", "ERISA" for a federal question, without valid consent or valid merit of the Long Term Disability (LTD) policy expressly written "controlling terms" at issue.
State of Ohio Law (State Law Claims)
Ohio Revised Code (ORC) 2913.47 2913.47 Insurance fraud. (A) As used in this section: (1) "Data" has the same meaning as in section 2913.01 of the Revised Code and additionally includes any other representation of information, knowledge, facts, concepts, or instructions that are being or have been prepared in a formalized manner. (2) "Deceptive" means that a statement, in whole or in part, would cause another to be deceived because it contains a misleading representation, withholds information, prevents the acquisition of information, or by any other conduct, act, or omission creates, confirms, or perpetuates a false impression, including, but not limited to, a false impression as to law, value, state of mind, or other objective or subjective fact. (3) "Insurer" means any person that is authorized to engage in the business of insurance in this state under Title XXXIX [39] of the Revised Code, the Ohio fair plan underwriting association created under section 3929.43 of the Revised Code, any health insuring corporation, and any legal entity that is self-insured and provides benefits to its employees or members. (4) "Policy" means a policy, certificate, contract, or plan that is issued by an insurer. (5) "Statement" includes, but is not limited to, any notice, letter, or memorandum; proof of loss; bill of lading; receipt for payment; invoice, account, or other financial statement; estimate of property damage; bill for services; diagnosis or prognosis; prescription; hospital, medical, or dental chart or other record; x-ray, photograph, videotape, or movie film; test result; other evidence of loss, injury, or expense; computer-generated document; and data in any form.
(B) No person, with purpose to defraud or knowing that the person is facilitating a fraud, shall do either of the following: (1) Present to, or cause to be presented to, an insurer any written or oral statement that is part of, or in support of, an application for insurance, a claim for payment pursuant to a policy, or a claim for any other benefit pursuant to a policy, knowing that the statement, or any part of the statement, is false or deceptive; (2) Assist, aid, abet, solicit, procure, or conspire with another to prepare or make any written or oral statement that is intended to be presented to an insurer as part of, or in support of, an application for insurance, a claim for payment pursuant to a policy, or a claim for any other benefit pursuant to a policy, knowing that the statement, or any part of the statement, is false or deceptive.
(C) Whoever violates this section is guilty of insurance fraud. Except as otherwise provided in this division, insurance fraud is a misdemeanor of the first degree. If the amount of the claim that is false or deceptive is five hundred dollars or more and is less than five thousand dollars, insurance fraud is a felony of the fifth degree. If the amount of the claim that is false or deceptive is five thousand dollars or more and is less than one hundred thousand dollars, insurance fraud is a felony of the fourth degree. If the amount of the claim that is false or deceptive is one hundred thousand dollars or more, insurance fraud is a felony of the third degree.
(D) This section shall not be construed to abrogate, waive, or modify division (A) of section 2317.02 of the Revised Code.
Federal Law (with State Law Claims)
United States Code; 31 U.S.C. § 3729 (False Claims) (a) Liability for Certain Acts. -Any person who- (1) knowingly presents, or causes to be presented, to an officer or employee of the United States Government or a member of the Armed Forces of the United States a false or fraudulent claim for payment or approval; (2) knowingly makes, uses, or causes to be made or used, a false record or statement to get a false or fraudulent claim paid or approved by the Government; (3) conspires to defraud the Government by getting a false or fraudulent claim allowed or paid; ... ... (b) Knowing and Knowingly Defined. For purposes of this section, the terms "knowing" and "knowingly" mean that a person, with respect to information; (1) has actual knowledge of the information; (2) acts in deliberate ignorance of the truth or falsity of the information; or (3) acts in reckless disregard of the truth or falsity of the information, and no proof of specific intent to defraud is required. (c) Claim Defined. For purposes of this section, "claim" includes any request or demand, whether under a contract or otherwise, for money or property which is made to a contractor, grantee, or other recipient if the United States Government provides any portion of the money or property which is requested or demanded, or if the Government will reimburse such contractor, grantee, or other recipient for any portion of the money or property which is requested or demanded. ... Legal Reference;
"Judicial Waste of the Taxpayers"
In addition the insurance company expresses "actions of malice" to the Plaintiff, the officers of the court, and the taxpayers State and Federal courts, pursuant to "willfully, knowingly", in deliberate ignorance of the truth, with specific intent, to present a "false statements" and "false claims", and seek or demand for "approval" from the U.S. Government, of money "paid" by judiciary budget, to the courts, and officers of the courts, as other recipient, at tax payers expense; for property (attempted acquisition and abolishment of citizens" goods; "State and Federal Constitutional laws", and of citizens "services"; to written legal statues, without consent or good merit ,via 'False Claims' and "false statements" as contract or otherwise; (numerous "legal briefs to a court of law while under oath"), as applied herein per years of allegations to Defendant's criminal actions to "fraud on the court", and then actions protracting into Constitutional law violations.
Assurant (Insurance Company) / fka Fortis, and their legal representative, of these case(s) matters seek that these financial courts litigation expenses to be "paid" by the U.S. Government / taxpayers; while they are seeking a "federal financial shelter", and at the same time are "barring" the American citizens access, privilege and right to a Constitutional law, and a "jury demand".
Legal Remedies of Relief for the Insured Party
See again state and federal applications: 15 U.S.C. § 1011 (Declaration of policy) and 1012 (a)(b) (Regulation by State law; Federal law relating specifically to insurance; applicability of certain laws after June 30, 1948.), and "Fraud on the court"; See FRCP Rule(s) 38, 39, and 60(d)(1)(3) and 18 U.S.C. Sections 1035 and 1341 for remedies and relief to all American citizens. Ohio Rule (s) 38 and 39 (Jury trial of right). The Ultimate American Citizen's Right in a court of law!
Note: Case law herein, now "bad case law" for (17+) years, as the state and federal courts have determined herein that the elements of business contract "notifications", "disclosures", "controlling terms" and "federal mandates" of common words and textual terms expressed as "Employee Retirement Income Security Act", "ERISA", are eliminated from the judge(s) determinations and judgments on the courts. All while under alleged conditions of insurance company fraud and "fraud on the court", thus affecting good general business practices and business contract matters of law, all at the tax payers expense. Note that "Grand Jury" hearings have also been denied by the court(s).
Please also note: Not one single state or federal "officer of the court", state or federal agency, nor any reasonable person, has discovered or located the "first and last" applicable contractual ink drops of the "common words" or terms; "Employee Retirement Income Security Act", "ERISA", nor discovered the federally mandated "Statement of ERISA Rights", within and to the Plaintiff"s "state law claims" and their "legally binding written LTD insurance contract", so as to have been "conclusively expressed" for court actions, before any beneficiary "insurance claims", the time during the insurance claims process, nor within the "denial" of insurance benefit letters, from the "plan administrator" and "insurance underwriter. (Assurant Employee Benefits / Assurant / Union Security Insurance Company / fka Fortis Benefits Insurance Company, Fortis)
The "state court" (Ohio) has "sovereignty" of these "state law claims" cases, as applicable to the Constitutional laws to a "trial by jury" herein, and without any perpetrated language text or provisions to the "Employee Retirement Income Security Act", "ERISA", at the will of the insurance company while performing the "business of insurance".
Conclusion and Support
The "inhabitants" of the City of Dayton remain steadfast in their quest for "state court sovereignty" of their cases while in pursuit of their day in court with a "jury demand" of impartial American citizens, as prescribed by law, and shared as "correct" future case law, via FRCP 24 (Intervention) and 60 (d)(3) (Relief / Fraud on the court), 28 U.S.C.2403(a) with (b), along with the oath of affirmation to the Ohio Constitution and Article VI of the United States Constitution.
Oath of Office
In truth, and available only with valor of oath, the "Gem City" Government, Dayton Police, Montgomery County Sheriff with the State of Ohio Prosecutor, Ohio Department of Insurance, Ohio Attorney General, and Federal agents with the Federal Prosecutor, the United States Attorney General, Solicitor General, along with and State and Federal government Representatives must collectively and proactively intervene and protect "We The People", and our Rights in these matters of alleged "Theft and Fraud" violations, so as to protect and preserve Constitutional law and the business of insurance for the people locally, and across this nation.
How do you feel about these legal matters as an "American tax payer"? Please contact your Representatives at the end of this page below.
**Please contact your above referenced representatives for joint efforts to protect the rule of law, our Ohio Constitution, other State Constitutions via intervention into corrective case law of fraud on the court, therefore establishing a collective protection of the United States Constitution from these alleged actions of "fraud on the court" at the taxpayers expense. (Now 18 years)
Smoking Gun Evidence
Perpetrated insurance company fruad and fraud on the court.
Alleged Actions of Bad Faith and Malice in the Insurance Industry
The alleged bad faith and fraudulent actions of Assurant Employee Benefits / Assurant / Union Security Insurance Company (fka ~ Fortis Benefits Insurance Company / Fortis (Insurance and Banking), are clearly bad for business, bad for the American Court system and the legal community, and are in "bad faith with malice" to their insurance customers who are carrying a valuable "legally binding written insurance contract" for financial security and peace of mind.
1) Assurant Employee Benefits / Assurant / aka Union Security Insurance Company / Fortis Benefits Insurance Company had denied Long Term Disability (LTD) insurance benefits for 22 (twenty-two) months to their insured customer, of which were contractually due after a 90 day qualifying period, as expressed in the valuable "legally binding written insurance contract". How long could you financially survive? 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, 12 months or more? In consequence, the "insured" herein have incurred home foreclosure notices and proceedings, car repossession attempts, utility disconnects, lost medical benefits, wage garnishment, buried credit ratings which affect other financial matters, along with daily calls, letters and email from creditors, etc..., that in the reality that goes with a "breach of contract" by an insurance company which perpetrates malice to the insured, and to the American Judicial Branch of Government.
2) Also, Assurant Employee Benefits / Assurant / Union Security Insurance Company allegedly have "knowingly and willfully", "forged; fabricated and perpetrated" the "common words", and sometimes technical term "Employee Retirement Income Security Act, 1974", to the American courts, the officers of the Court (with Judges), and to the legal parties in a court of law. The insurance company has made multiple "attempts to seek approval" of a "federal financial shelter" of their potential financial losses in a State court case venue with a "jury demand", via the "removal" of cases to the federal courts with "false statements" of the words "Employee Retirement Income Security Act", of which are currently alleged "actions" of "fraud on the court", while provoking Constitutional violations against all American citizens, not just the parties involved herein.
3) At the same time, the insurance company is manipulating the Federal courts case venue to "re-characterize" the Plaintiff's state law claims to reflect a claim under the federal "Employee Retirement Income Security Act, 1974"; all without merit, consent of parties, and without "controlling terms" of notification or disclosure and rights to the participants and Beneficiary, as required by federal regulators. (Department of Labor whenever applicable) All of these legal proceedings in the courts are without the "first and last applicable written ink drop" of the "common words" expressed as the "Employee Retirement Income Security Act, 1974"; as notification, disclosure, controlling terms, operational facts, and mandated "Statement of ERISA Rights" to and within the insurance participant's accumulated documents of insurance marketing materials, the 100% vested, legally binding written Long Term Disability (LTD) contract, beneficiary certificates, numerous denial of benefit letters, nor applicable to the "insured" state law claims; with a motion for a "Jury Demand", as prescribed by law.
4) Assurant Employee Benefits / Assurant / Fortis / Union Security Insurance Company as the "fiduciary" and "plan administrator" of this participant's LTD insurance legally binding written insurance policy, not only delays "timely due insurance benefits" for 22 months, yet also attempts to "remove" the insurance participant's / beneficiary legal cases seeking remedies for damages and losses within their state law claims of a "jury demand", across the street to the federal court venue for an attempted re-characterize of state law claims and provide a "federal financial shelter" . The Defendant's known and willful "false statements" per the "Employee Retirement Income Security Act, 1974", as for "removal" to the federal courts, are clearly "False Claims" (31 U.S.C. Sections 3729-33), and are "forged; fabricated and perpetrated" (18 U.S.C. Section 1035 and 1341 ~ Frauds and Swindles) along with (Ohio Revised Code 2913.01, 2319.02 and 2319.47) upon the American Courts and the American taxpayers.
Thus to the "reasonable person(s)", the "mechanical operations" of the courts are "defective", as the common words "Employee Retirement Income Security Act, 1974" are "null and void" to the legal venues herein, while "fraudulent" to the Participants / Beneficiary and their "legally binding written LTD contract of controlling terms", and therefore "fraudulent" while "obstructing justice", to the expressed due process and judgments of law for a "jury demand" within the participant's state law claims, whom are seeking proper adjudicative relief to the hierarchy of State and Federal Constitutional law.
Note: The alleged actions of "fraud on the court" by Assurant Employee Benefits / Assurant / Union Security Insurance Company has grossly affected the integrity, harmony, balance, beauty and "serviceable mechanical operations of law", within the State and Federal court venues, and are
"Unconstitutional" to any parties involved in a search and "demand" for "jury in civil cases", as applied herein and to future case law. ***********************************************************************************
The History of "Insurance Fraud" against The Constitution of the United States, the Constitution of the State of Ohio, and all American citizens.
Below are the historical “Case Docket Numbers” of the legal actions associated with 21 years of “insurance company fraud” and “fraud on the court”. A “breach of contract” and bad faith with malice to the insured, along with a willful conspiracy to "forged; fabricated and perpetrate “false statements" and "false claims" of the term "Employee Retirement Income Security Act, 1974", against the legal parties involved herein, against the Officers of the Courts, and against the state and federal American Courts of the judicial taxpayers.
The Plaintiff (the “insured” and “injured” party herein, as Ackerman(s)) have legally expressed a “jury demand endorsed hereon” for a "trial by jury", and to this day remains “incomplete” in court of law, now seventeen (17) years past. Still no jury trail, with a jury of our peers, on all genuine legal issues of fact for a jury to decide in the state regulated “business of insurance”.
Applicable Rules of Constitutional Law Article VI of the United States Constitution;...all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be bound by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitution; …. ~and~ * U.S. Constitution; United States Bill of Rights; First Amendment (Redress the Government), Seventh Amendment (Jury in Civil Cases), Tenth Amendment (State Powers), and Fourteenth Amendment (Rights of Citizens). ~and~ * Ohio Constitution; Bill of Rights; Section 1 (Inalienable Rights), Section 5 (Trial by jury), and Section 16 (Redress in Courts) of the Ohio Bill of Rights. ****************************************************************************************** Timeline
The "Original instant civil action" of these legal matters can be found at the Common Pleas Court of Montgomery County, Ohio ~ State Jurisdictional Venue (Dayton, Ohio) at Case No. 2000-CV-1472, and independant Case No. 2003-CV-9499. 1) The Plaintiffs makes state law claims, with an instant action to a “jury demand",
2) Two (2) cases; independent, yet with parallel state law claims. 3) Alleged "False Statements" of the expressed text as the "Employee Retirement Income Security Act", by the legal team of the insurance company
4) Alleged Perjury / Fraud on the court * Case No. 2000-CV-1472 - 2000 ~Case removed; State Constitutional law access, privilege and rights are "denied". * Case No. 2003-CV-9499 - 2003 ~ Case removed; State Constitutional law access, privilege and inviolate rights to a “trial by jury” are "denied". * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cases are "removed" to the Southwestern District Court of Ohio, ~ Federal Jurisdictional Venue 1) Plaintiffs carry state law claims, with a “Jury Demand". See: FRCP 81(c) 2) Two (2) cases; independent with parallel state law claims are removed via two claims 1) Diversity of citizenship (Legal parties are from different states) and 2) Claims of ERISA. 3) Alleged "False Claims" of the "Employee Retirement Income Security Act" against the insured party's state law claims with alleged acts of Perjury / Obstruction of Justice / leading to "fraud on the court". * Case No. 03:00-cv-0277 - 2000 ~ Federal and State Constitutional law access, privilege and inviolate rights to a “trial by jury” are "denied". * Case No. 03:04-cv-0033 - 2004 ~ Federal and State Constitutional law access, privilege and inviolate rights to a “trial by jury” are "denied". * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Appeals to Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ~ Federal Jurisdictional Venue * Case No. 05-3828 - 2005 ~ Federal and State Constitutional law access, privilege and rights are "denied". * Case No. 05-3829 - 2005 ~ Federal and State Constitutional law access, privilege and rights are "denied". * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Appeals to Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals again ~ Federal Jurisdictional Venue * Case No. 06-3454 - 2006 ~ Federal and State Constitutional law access, privilege and rights are "denied". * Case No. 06-3456 - 2006 ~ Federal and State Constitutional law access, privilege and rights are "denied". * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Appeals to Supreme Court of the United States ~ Federal Jurisdictional Venue 1st Writ ) Original jurisdiction "writ of certiorari" ~ denied without a case number assigned, returned ~ Federal and State Constitutional law access, privilege and rights are "denied". 2nd Writ) "Writ of certiorari" at Case No. 05-10337 - 2005 ~ Federal and State Constitutional law access, privilege and rights are "denied". 3rd Writ) "Writ of certiorari" at Case No. 07-05446 - 2007 ~ Federal and State Constitutional law access, privilege and rights are "denied". Fraud on the Court (Appeal) / Grand Jury Hearing (Appeal) See: Remedies for fraud at Federal Rule of Civil Procedure (FRCP) 60(d)(1)(3) for jurisdiction and redress to proper state and federal Constitutional access, privilege and inviolate right to a “trial by jury”, for equitable remedies of relief and future deterrent. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Appeals to Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals ~ Federal Jurisdictional Venue * Case No. 08-4324 -2008 (Fraud on the Court) ~ Federal and State Constitutional law access, privilege and rights are "denied". * Case No. 08-4529 -2008 (Grand Jury Motion) ~ Federal and State Constitutional law access, privilege and rights are "denied". * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Note: The Supreme Court of the United States with authority and responsibility to address a Constitutional question of federal law that has not been, but should be, settled by the highest court in the United States of America. See: United States Constitution Article VI.
Appeal again to The Supreme Court of the United States / Highest State and Federal Jurisdiction Venue 4th Writ) Case No. 08-10231 - 2009 ~ a "writ of certiorari" / Docketed May 08, 2009 / Petition for rehearing ~ Federal and State Constitutional law access, privilege and rights are "denied". * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * A Return to the State of Ohio Court Venue for Action to Original Jury Demand
The aggrieved legal parties now returns to the State of Ohio Court venue under the "Adequate and Independent" Doctrine for a "trial by jury" proceeding (Ohio Constitution; Bill of Rights; Section 5 (Trial by Jury), since the federal court venue is repugnant to the "functional operation" of the Constitution of the United States.
The state law claims of the LTD Insurance participant / beneficiary (Plaintiff),returns to the Ohio State Court venue for Constitutional law protection per the alleged act to "willfully and knowingly" forged; fabricated and perpetrated, "false claim" and false statements" of the "common words" and "technical term", expressed as the "Employee Retirement Income Security Act" (ERISA) which has obstructed justice; due process and equal protection of the laws with a trial by jury upon a jury demand. * See 28 U.S.C. Section 1254 ~ Appeal to the State (Ohio) Appellate Court venue with a jurisdictional challenge to the "false claims" of the "Employee Retirement Income Security Act." (Which are clearly, to the reasonable person(s), are "null and void" to the participant's insurance policy carrying not the first ink drop of the federally mandated "Statement of ERISA Rights" and or any other language of the "common words" to be furnished to both the participants, and to the beneficiaries, by the Plan Administrator.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Appeal again to the Appellate Court of Montgomery County, Ohio, Second Appellate District ~ State Venue * Case No. CA 023443 ~ Appellate Court of Montgomery County, Ohio, Second Appellate District, with a Jurisdictional Challenge, and motion to "Certify a Conflict of Judgments" Ohio App. R. Rule 25 (A). ~ Federal and State Constitutional law access, privilege and rights are "denied".
Note: An additional application for a “Motion for Reconsideration of Conflict of Judgments”, filed October 19, 2009, per the court possible oversight and/ or misapprehension. (Ohio App. R. Rule 25 (A) and 26A). ~ Federal and State Constitutional law access, privilege and rights are "denied". * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Appeal to The Supreme Court of Ohio ~ Highest State Jurisdictional Venue Case No. 2009-1794 ~ Notice of Appeal to the Supreme Court of Ohio; Discretionary Appeal (Felony); Claimed Appeal of Right filed 10/05/09.
*Also find a “Notice” to The Supreme Court of Ohio of the determination by the Second Appellate District court of Montgomery County, Ohio, ; filed 12/17/09.The Supreme Court of Ohio dismisses appeal as “not involving any substantial constitutional question”, filed on 12/30/09. ???? The Federal and State Constitutional law access, privilege and rights are again "denied".
Appeal to The Supreme Court of Ohio ~ Highest State Jurisdictional Venue The Plaintiffs have still not had due process to "trial by jury" in the State or Federal Court venue(s), as prescribed by State and U.S. Constitutional law. A "motion for reconsideration" is filed on 01/11/10 to The Honorable Supreme Court of Ohio, for State(s) and Federal Constitutional protection of 300,000,000+ American citizen who trust and depend on the "rule of law" for public safety and great general interest and wellbeing.03/03/10 ~ Motion for Reconsideration ~ "Denied". Federal and State Constitutional law access, privilege and rights are again "denied".
03/15 and16/2010 ~ Appellants' motion to apply FRCP 60 (d)(1)(3) with "Claim of Unconstitutionality" / Clarification of Orders / Decisions / Motion for Leave. Fraud on the Court v. Jury Demand.
04/02/10 ~ The Honorable Chief Justice Thomas J. Moyer ~ Passes away holding the keys to truth and justice to a "Claim of Unconstitutionality".
05/03/10 ~ Ohio Governor Ted Strickland appoints interim Chief Justice Eric Brown to represent the Honorable Supreme Court of Ohio.
05/05/10 ~ Two days later, with thousands of documents to review and other cases to address, the Plaintiff's Motion to apply FRCP 60 (d)(1)(3) with "Claim of Unconstitutionality" / Clarification of Orders / Decisions / Motion for Leave are "Denied". At this jucture, nearly 10 years without a trial by jury. Why?
01/03/11 ~ Motion for leave and notification to present “constitutional question of law”.
02/16/11 ~ "Motion for leave" is denied, however the judicial notice remains open for sua sponte action by the Ohio Supreme Court Justices while under oath to support and affirm the text and interpretation of the Constitution of the United States of America.
02/16/11 to the present day (2019), the insured legal party still has not been afforded the legal right to jury demand, and now has gone back to the 'original jurisdiction' of the state court venue in Montgomery County, Ohio for "intervention" (Ohio Rule 24) to preserve the "original action" to a jury demand for a trail by jury to determine all genuine disputed material facts upon alleged "insurance company fraud", for a jury to decide in a court of law, and has again been denied access to a trail by jury.
The "original actions" to a jury demand of these case(s) are still "incomplete", and without a trial by jury on all legal issues of fact for a jury to decide. Due process must proceed with equal protection of the laws for all Americans.
Why have the American judicial courts and government representatives aborted the American citizens and their "inviolate legal right" to a "trial by jury", thus adhering to the enemies giving (insurance company) "aid and comfort" to the enemy from our State of Ohio and U.S. Constitution? A near attempt to destroy the cornerstone of functional democracy as a fundamental freedom to the citizens of the Unites States of America.
Upon judicial notification, The Supreme Court of Ohio is mandated to perform and "certify" a question of unconstitutionality" as prescribed under 28 U.S.C. 2403(a)(b).
See: Docket Entry 01/03/11 (last entry) at the Supreme Court of Ohio case No. 2009-1794 which remains open for Constitutional intervention by the Justices, or otherwise may be held in contempt of the court.
The Plaintiff of Ohio, as "We the People" of the United States and abroad, now patiently await the Supreme Court of Ohio action to "certify" a question of constitutionality (Right to a trial by jury), to the Ohio Attorney General and United States Attorney General under 28 U.S.C. 2403(a)(b).
***************************************************************************************** Note: Another hardship is created by the "bad faith" of the insurance company Assurant (fka- Fortis Benefits Insurance Company / Fortis), is a foreclosure of the insured legal party's home while waiting for the courts to perform its “mandated” duties to protect and exercise a "trial by jury".
This particular case is listed in the Common Pleas Court of Montgomery County, Ohio as Case No. 2009 CV 03194, and has proceeded in the courts for over eight (8) years, along with 2 (two)Sheriff Sales. The insured party has lost the comfort of their home due to alleged insurance company fraud matter and fraud of the courts.
See: Supreme Court of Oho Case No. 2017-0385 for current proceedings on this foreclosure.
Also note, another hardship is created by the "bad faith" of the insurance company Assurant (fka- Fortis Benefits Insurance Company / Fortis), the insured legal party has wage garnishment due to delinquent bills cause by insurance company fraud.
Also note, another hardship is created by the "bad faith" of the insurance company Assurant (fka- Fortis Benefits Insurance Company / Fortis), as credit card debt collections continue in the Dayton Municipal Court, Dayton, Ohio at case No. 2013CVF01963.
A "judicial notice" has also been filed for "extraordinary intervention" in The Dayton Municipal Court (Grassroots jurisdiction) upon "show cause" and "judicial notice" of the insurance case(s) carrying a paramount procedural deficiency to a "jury demand" made in a court of law".
Currently, the insured legal party is still to this day waiting for a trial by jury. (Now 18+ years in the courts of the total 21 + years of “insurance company fraud” performed by Assurant / (fka Fortis Benefits Insurance Company) for the supreme jurisprudence of The Supreme Court of Ohio to perform is mandated duties to address the Plaintiff’s proposed “Constitutional questions of law”, while under oath, so as to protect the "inviolate right" to a "trial by jury" of our peers, as prescribed by State and United States Constitutional law.
When asking for Constitutional protection over the many years, why have our Local, State and Federal Senators, Representatives, Executives and agencies, not acted while under oath of affirmation and support on this critical State of Ohio and United States Constitutional matters of law?
Please contact your Local, State and Federal Representatives for help in saving our and your embedded Constitutional laws! The State and Federal Constitutional laws which provide the access, privilege and "inviolate" rights to a "trial by jury", are now nearly "aborted", for all American citizens to enjoy, via this current "bad case law".
Act Now! You can be the part of the public action to make your voice heard for exemplary law around the world. Simply send a friendly letter to the courts, and to your Local, State and Federal government representatives, so as to protect our cornerstone of democracy; an inviolate right to a "Trial by Jury" to determine the genuine legal issues of material facts for a jury to decide.
Thank You for your patriotic support to the State and Federal Constitutions, while preserving the honesty and integrity of the American Judicial Courts.
Help save American Freedom, Liberty, Equality and Justice! Please participate and don't be spectator to your legal freedoms. Contact your Local, State and Federal Government Representatives and Executive Officers with a letter of intervention and support of your State and U.S. Constitutions rights to a "trial by jury" in a court of law by way of these case matters.
Each letter and voice can make a difference as a whole in protecting our valuable Constitution of each State(s) and Constitution of the United States of America.
Click on this icon link below, and / or contact your State and Federal representatives about the potential loss of your Constitutional rights as an American citizen via these cases listed above.
Please support the legal pursuit of "Operation Constitutional Rescue". Join with the collective forces of the "We the People"..., so as to protect and preserve the "People(s)" State and Federal Constitutional laws as citizens of the United States of America.
Operation Constitution Rescue
Wright Brothers Post Office Post Office Box Rescue 911 Dayton, Ohio 45409
Thank you for your time and consideration in these critical matters to the United States of America.
God Bless America !
This revised update is presented under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution, and Ohio Constitutional Bill of Rights 1.16 Redress in courts (1851, amended 1912)
"All courts shall be open, and every person, for an injury done him in his land, goods, person, or reputation, shall have remedy by due course of law, and shall have justice administered without denial or delay."
Bottom Line
1) Pursuant to the "business of insurance" and American "Constitutional law", The American citizens simply want their day in court, with a jury of their impartial peers, to determine the remedies of relief for the alleged insurance company's actions to deny insurance benefits, demonstrate unnecessary delays, with performance of willful malice and breach of contract to the "insured". (22 + years of personal and business losses)
2) Legal remedies of relief for the American Tax payers (20+ years), with measurable deterrent to prevent any similar future actions, pursuant to an alleged conspiracy to forged; fabricated and perpetrated a "false claim" of the language text; "Employee Retirement Income Security Act.","ERISA", without valid or good merit, in a court(s) of law.
Please mark and save this web site for weekly updates.
This Public Notice is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. Warning: Assurant Employee Benefits / Assurant / Union Security Insurance Company, Inc. (fka Fortis Benefits Insurance Company / Fortis / Insurance and Banking) willfully exhibits bad faith and fraud to their customers.
Notification / Disclosure: All inclusive text herein, and links are for the sole purpose of protecting and preserving the embedded State(s) and Federal Constitutional laws of all American Citizens, while setting exemplary law around the world wherever applicable.